The HR Ally (HRA)

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Custom HR

For businesses who want to continue using their existing payroll vendor, we create a custom package of HR services that provides expertise and support wherever it’s needed.

It's time to gain the upper hand

Most businesses are overwhelmed by the ever-changing demands of HR and compliance. Partner with HRA to conquer those demands and thrive.

Custom HR support packages include:

Custom HR Solutions for Small Business | The HR Ally

HR Consulting

Make sure your business always has a reliable source of expert guidance for the endless challenges of HR.

Custom HR Solutions for Small Business | The HR Ally

Foundation Building

Shore up your weak spots with deliverables that build proven systems and processes into your HR infrastructure.

Custom HR Solutions for Small Business | The HR Ally

Dedicated Support

Your own HR Business Partner from our team coordinates your Custom HR services to ensure your success.

If your business needs hands-on HR Management, Payroll Administration, or Benefits Administration, select our Complete HR + Payroll solution instead.

Do you know what HR your business needs?

Some businesses have a clear, simple list of HR challenges to solve. However, if you feel unclear or uncertain, it’s critical to identify your goals. Many of our clients request an expert assessment of their business as their first step.

Strategic Assessments

Review key, strategic foundations like your employer value proposition, culture & engagement, workforce planning, total rewards philosophy, and more.

Compliance Assessments

Review your HR compliance in regards to recruiting & onboarding, federal and state legal compliance, payroll procedures, HR policies, and more.

How to build your
custom HR solution

Custom HR Solutions for Small Business | The HR Ally

Part One
HR Consulting

You shouldn't have to be an expert in all things HR. Make sure you can always find answers to your questions and receive in-depth consulting for:

Custom HR Solutions for Small Business | The HR Ally

Part Two

Build the systems and processes you need to create a workplace culture that attracts and retains great employees.



Part Three
Putting it all together

Here are some examples of how your Custom HR solution can take shape for your business.

Custom HR Solutions for Small Business | The HR Ally

80 Employees

Pain Points

  • Employee Retention Concerns
  • Overnight Growth
  • Regular HR Turnover


  • Retention Strategies
  • Compliance Updates
  • HR Structure Evaluation


  • HR Compliance Assessment
  • New Hire Process
  • Employee Engagement Survey
  • Leadership Training
Custom HR Solutions for Small Business | The HR Ally

Business Services
200 Employees

Pain Points

  • Overwhelmed HR Department
  • Recruiting Challenges
  • Underdeveloped Supervisors


  • Compliance Updates
  • Review Recruiting Process
  • Employee Relations Management


  • Handbook Development
  • Compensation Design
  • Leadership Training
Custom HR Solutions for Small Business | The HR Ally

20 Employees

Pain points

  • Executive Director Handling HR
  • Unsure about HR Compliance Risk
  • Inconsistent HR Needs


  • Compliance Updates
  • Employee Relations Management
  • Escalated Issues


  • Compliance Assessment

Monthly Retainer

Monthly Retainer

Monthly Retainer

Specialized Services for Custom HR

Outside of our monthly retainers for Custom HR, these powerful services are also available.

Available A La Carte

These services are available to any business.

Compensation and Total Rewards

Pay Equity

Onsite/Remote Training


Retainer Client Exclusives

These services are only available to our Custom HR retainer clients.

Leadership Coaching

Stay Interviews

Customized Employee Surveys

Performance Management

360 Reviews

Culture Development

Here's How it works

1. Discovery

Share your concerns and get an expert evaluation of the steps needed to conquer your challenges with HR and payroll.

2. Implementation

Gain all of the guidance and support you need to conquer your HR challenges with proven, efficient systems and processes.

3. Growth

Earn the confidence, trust, and loyalty of your people and feel the positive impact on productivity as you focus on growing your business.

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