The HR Ally (HRA)

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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

HR outsourcing is when a third-party provider handles some or all aspects of HR and Payroll on behalf of your company. In its most basic form, you may be given a toll-free number to access an HR representative for assistance. Premium versions of HR outsourcing on the other hand, are more of a partnership, in which a team of specialists get to know your business and help with both strategic HR planning and day-to-day administrative tasks.

HR outsourcing is important because it offers you an alternative if you lack the expertise or resources to manage the complexities of HR and/or prefer not to hire in-house staff for that purpose. In such scenarios, outsourcing HR can help you:

  • Alleviate administrative burdens and save time
  • Focus on strategic or growth-related activities
  • Reduce operating expenses
  • Minimize liability and compliance risks

Outsourcing HR offers efficiency savings, cost displacement and more services for less money compared to the expense of hiring full-time HR staff. HR outsourcing providers also tend to have the latest technology and software, which may be unaffordable if you’re operating your business on your own. As an added bonus, you’ll typically be paired with a professional who has vast experience dealing with common and complex HR issues and can help you more confidently navigate your challenges.

HR outsourcing providers that use per employee pricing structures can charge between 4-8% of each worker’s pretax monthly earnings. Others may charge a flat monthly fee. Ultimately, the price depends greatly on what your business needs.

In this scalable administrative model, your company remains the employer of record and retains control of the employee benefit offering. The ASO model affords your business the greatest flexibility in the manner you deliver services to your employees. You determine the administrative responsibilities you want to retain, and those you wish to outsource. Common services include payroll fulfillment and tax compliance, benefits administration, and human resource support and counsel.

Both an ASO and Professional Employer Organization (PEO) provide HR resources to businesses. A PEO model establishes a co-employment relationship, where the PEO becomes the employer of record. In an ASO, your business retains employer of record status, and HRA manages the administrative responsibilities on your behalf.

For our Complete HR + Payroll service model, clients incur a one-time set up fee for implementation and are charged a per employee management fee for ongoing administration. 

HR consulting services and training packages depend upon the scope of the project and range in pricing structure from an hourly consulting fee, to a per project fee or monthly retainer.

Yes. HRA offers full HR consulting services on an hourly consultative basis, per project or on a monthly retainer. 

We can start handling your HR right away! Payroll takes anywhere from three days to a few weeks to get set up depending on the size and complexity of your business.

We have the most seamless setup process in the industry. How? We login to your existing system and pull all the information for you. We set up all of your employees and add every payroll you have processed YTD to make sure your taxes are accurate.

The best time to switch payroll providers is when you call HRA. Otherwise, the next best times are at the beginning of the calendar year or the beginning of the next quarter. 

We assist with transitions all year round, including mid-quarter changes. 

Unlike our national competitors, we work hard to make things simple for you. You will have a dedicated team to help you achieve your goals. We are a mission-first company that gives back to the community. We also have an industry-leading customer satisfaction score. You get all of the security, technology, and systems of a “big” company with the touch and feel of a neighborhood company.

Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions HR and Payroll

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